Deaths With No Goodbyes

“Without A Word” is a song written about deaths with no goodbyes. Lots of people go through this sudden loss and are facing great difficulties overcoming this.

Death can come suddenly due to heart attacks, mishaps, accidents, tragedy, disasters, calamities, and catastrophies etc. These are sudden events which do not come with any warnings.

Even in instances of long periods of ailment, in the end, the same thing happens because everyone has their own commitments at work; at different geographical locations; and any other rhyme or reason.

Isn’t it sad when we do not have a chance to say the last goodbye to our loved one?

Lyrics Of Song

You Left Me Without A Word
This Whole Thing It Seems Absurd
It’s So Sad There’s No Goodbye
Your Mem’ries They Make Me Cry

*** Chorus ***

*** If Heaven Is The Only Place For Angels
Oh Baby, You Surely Belong There
If Heaven Is The Other Place For Ogres
Oh Baby, I Want You Back Here
Oh Baby, I Want You Back Here ***

If I Can Be With You Babe
I Want Things Be All The Same
Tho’ We Never Did Say Goodbye
My Darling, I’m Sure You Tried!

** Chorus & End With … ***

You Left Me Without A Word

All Copyrights © Reserved 2003 Richard HF LEE

The Thoughts Of The Composer / Producer

This song is written about the sudden loss of a loved one (heart attack) with no bidding of farewell nor goodbye. The family of the deceased has difficulty in handling this trauma.

One evening, I was driving pass a dead young motor cyclist with on-lookers all around. I said to my friend, PK LIM who was sitting next to me, “Without A Word”. We felt so sad because the family did not even know that such a thing had happened.

Other similar situations are, namely the earthquake in China; the Tsunami in Indonesia; the Iraq war etc. These are large scale, “Without A Word” situations!

After listening to this song, it will make a lot of sense when you see and hear of incidences like these. You will now know what “Without A Word” is all about.

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Without A Word (Full Song)

<bgsound src="Without A Word.mp3"></bgsound>

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